FAQ - Liquid Stone Countertop Epoxy Coating

Is Liquid Stone the best choice for coating countertops?
Liquid Stone is an epoxy resin that was developed specifically for coating countertops, table tops, and bartops. It has high temperature resistance, excellent durability, anti-yellowing properties, and will leave a fantastic high-gloss finish.
How much Liquid Stone Epoxy do I need to coat my countertops?
For every 1 Gallon Kit of Liquid Stone you can expect to cover around 40 square feet for a clear flood coat. If you plant to do a dirty pour you can expect around 16 square feet per 1 Gallon Kit. We always recommend at least two layers of epoxy resin, flood coat plus top coat. Porous substrates may require a seal coat at 1oz per square foot before applying a flood coat.
How long should I wait before I pour another layer of Liquid Stone Countertop Coating?
Additional layers of countertop epoxy should be applied while the previous layer is slightly tacky, or within 24 hours. Doing this will create a chemical bond between the layers.
If 24 hours has passed since the last layer of epoxy resin was applied you will need to lightly sand the surface with 220 grit sandpaper to help create a mechanical bond.
What tools should I use to apply liquid stone epoxy?
Notched trowels, squeegees, or paint rollers are ideal for applying Liquid Stone to countertops.
Is there a more uv-resistant alternative to liquid stone?
Yes, we offer three versions of Liquid Stone.
Liquid Stone - Regular countertop epoxy formula
Liquid Stone Ultra UV - Added UV resistance to help resist yellowing from UV exposure
Liquid Stone Elite - Added UV resistance, slightly thinner, and a longer working time
how much working time do i have?
Liquid Stone and Liquid Stone Ultra UV have a working time of around 30 minutes. You should immediately pour the epoxy resin out of the mixing container after mixing the two components homogenously.
Liquid Stone Elite has a 45+ minute working time and should also be poured out immediately after mixing.
do i need to prime my countertops before applying countertop epoxy?
Priming your countertops is an excellent way to promote adhesion between the substrate the epoxy resin, plus it allows you to choose a base color without having to immediately color the epoxy resin.
how do i color the epoxy resin for different designs?
We offer Liquid Resin Dyes to color epoxy resin, otherwise you can use products such as mica powder, spray paint, or acrylic paint. Be sure to use less than 10% by weight of a colorant when coloring.
what substrate should i use for epoxy countertops?
MDF is an excellent and inexpensive option for building new epoxy resin countertops. You can also use plywood or coat existing countertops.
Can I use Liquid STone Epoxy Resin outside?
Liquid Stone Ultra UV and Liquid Stone Elite both have excellent UV resistance, though no epoxy resin is completely UV-stable. For this reason we do not recommend epoxy coatings for long-term outdoor use.
How do I remove epoxy drips?
- Apply painters tape on the bottom edge. Once the epoxy resin has entered the gel phase and is no longer actively dripping, remove the painters tape.
- Grind/sand the drips off with an angle grinder or sander.
More questions about our Liquid Stone coating for countertops? Click here to submit a contact inquiry or email us directly at support@ksresin.com